
"The best hotels for any destination—and any budget"

Expedia provide a list of the best hotels in the world.
They reviewed more than 114,000 hotels and resorts, giving each one a numerical score. These scores are completely independent of advertisers and partners. Only the top hotels with the highest scores made it onto the Insiders’ Select list.
Insiders' Select methodology built on Traveler Opinions, Value and Expedia Hotel Expert input. This three factors give the Insiders' Select score.

Traveler Opinions
Expedia is home to more traveler reviews than any other online travel agency (more than 570,116 new Traveler Opinions on hotels across the globe—in 2009 alone) To ensure authenticity, Expedia verifies each Traveler Opinion by confirming that the reviewer has stayed at the property within the past six months. To qualify for the honor of inclusion on the Expedia Insiders’ Select list, a hotel had to have a minimum number of reviews in 2009.
Expedia systematically compared hotels and resorts to nearby properties with similar star ratings and amenities in order to determine the best value for your money.
Expedia Hotel Expert
Finnaly Expedia has an extensive network of hundreds of experts in top destinations worldwide, who provided their insight and firsthand knowledge of their destination’s best hotels.

We proudly would like to let you know, that in 2010 Baia Taormina is in the Expedia Insiders' Select!

Check Baia Taormina on Expedia!